32. If subscription to an insurance policy is a condition for making of a contract of credit or of a long-term contract of lease of goods, the contract must contain the following compulsory clause:“Clause required under the Consumer Protection Act.
Before entering into this contract, the merchant requires the consumer to hold a(n) (indicate the type of insurance required) insurance policy.
A consumer may meet that requirement:
(a) either by subscribing to an insurance policy with an insurer recommended to him by the merchant;
(b) or by subscribing to an insurance policy equivalent to that required by the merchant with an insurer chosen by the consumer;
(c) or with an insurance policy he already holds.
It is in the consumer’s interest to refer to sections 111 and 112 of the Consumer Protection Act (chapter P-40.1) and, where necessary, to communicate with the Office de la protection du consommateur.”.